Welcome - Köszöntelek
Welcome in my homepage that is under continuous development. Please do not hesitate to ask further information. All friendly comments are welcome!
Köszöntelek a honlapomon, amelyen folyamatosan dolgozunk. Kérlek, bátran írj, ha kérdésed van. Minden baráti javaslatot örömmel fogadok.
Dear Visitor,
Welcome at my website.Take your time to read the pages. Please share any questions, comments or suggestions with me.
My work is about creating more inner and outer harmony. In this time of change and crises this is important and urgent.
The techniques I mostly use: Astrology, Gestalt, Rebirthing, Constellation.
During open weekend-workshops and Gestalt-class (and sometimes in private sessons) you can deepen your self-knowledge, and open up to who you really are, so that you can live with more trust and authenticity.
I really invite you to meet your shadow side: the pain, the blockages and wounds of this and other lives. By contacting, understanding and integrating them, you free your original, inner power, on which you can safely rely, anytime and anywhere.
My teaching comes from the traditional source of wisdom (> see my cv): how important is it to realize that we are guided day and night by our Higher Self, our inmost divine Self... and that our body, emotions and mind are beautiful tools to experience life on earth. Once we live this realization, we can no more be a victim of outer conditions and are free to enjoy life fully.
