ASTROLOGY is the most ancient ‘science’ on earth: all popes, emperors, lords and ladies had their own astrologer to forecast events and to foretell the life of a new born baby, according to the positions and the network of the 7 main cosmic forces: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
Around 1789, before the French Revolution, Uranus (representing Freedom, Equality and Brother/Sisterhood) was discovered.. followed by Neptune in the romantic period (Himmelhoch jauchzend, zum Tode betrúbt) and finally Pluto as transforming (and therapeutic!) energy in the 20th century. Ruling Life and Death, he announced the devastating world-wars.
Modern astrology has as main goal: 'consciousness-raising'... It explains how the 'inner orchestra' of 10 planets rules a person, and can create harmony as well as disharmony.. The use of progressions can indicate the how and when of (inner+outer) changes, promoting growth and maturation.
Comparing horoscopes gives insight in relations between partners or family-members.