Family and Systemic Constellations

CONSTELLATION is the intense – energetic – group-method that Bert Hellinger created with his own experiences of Gestalt and Psychodrama. The person who suffers from a lack of harmony in his/her life, is invited, after giving some basic information, to choose among the group-members the representatives of his family, colleagues, feelings (e.g. anger, jealousy), concepts (e.g. goal, obstacle, money, God, etc.) or physical body-parts and to place them in the room, in a spontaneous way. The therapist works with the feelings and blockages involved in the constellation.. using Hellinger’s basic rules on families and systems.

The amazing, intuitive human quality picks up the information/vibration of the energetic/ 'morphogenetic' web underlying all life-forms – through bodily sensations and emotions…  Mental and emotional blockages in whatever 'system' can be dissolved through ritual gestures and sentences, harmonizing the inner network. This will change the client's life.

The method proves that all forms of life are connected!