The goal of my work
I know what it is to feel unhappy. Around the age of 29, I felt depressed, because I did not know myself and my task for this life. By participating in all sort of workshops, I discovered who I was as a person...and slowly I became a Gestalt-therapist. At 36, I went to India, to Bhagwan Rajneesh (Osho), because his book ‘The White Cloud’ revealed wisdom to me. There in Poona, I discovered the higher – divine – layer in myself. From then on I walked the path of a disciple, a Gnostic student… and I became a holistic, transpersonal working psycho-therapist. All this made me a much more harmonious being!!
That is what I wish everyone to experience… : Ruling the own emotional upheavals with understanding, compassion and unconditional love… Or: riding the inner horse as a loving master! Most people depend on the ‘horizontal’ relational exchange between ‘me and others’: the base of expectation, manipulation, victimization.. The best way is to function as a conscious ‘vertical’ canal of Cosmic Energy (+) and Earthy Magnetism (-): Father/Mother God or ‘Abwoen’ (in Aramese), meeting in the ‘heart-chakra’: so our functioning will be based on inner freedom, love and authenticity.
I believe that we need many lifetimes to complete conscious harmony between our earthy experience and our divine ‘soul’-being. I met masters and ‘gurus’: it convinced me that we all have the potential for Self-realisation (another word for ‘enlightenment’), when we walk the staircase of personal ‘self-realisation’. The goal of my work is to enable others to transform their shadows and blockages (‘karmic patterns’) into conscious living.. to walk the ‘holy' path and reach our full, divine potential.